About Patterns Hunters

Free trials

If you want to test the paid scripts, we offer a free 7-day trial (no credit card needed). Just fill in the corresponding form with your TradingView username, and we will automatically grant you access:

2-week money-back guarantee

And if you decide to buy a script, but you end up unhappy with it, we offer a 2-week money-back guarantee. Just send us an email within the first 2 weeks of your purchase and we will refund you the full amount.

Feedback and feature requests

Do you have some ideas on how to improve our scripts? Great, let us know! But keep in mind that unless this feature benefits the majority of users, we will probably turn it down. We want our scripts to have fewer features, so they are easier to use.

If you want to have a fully tailored script, we can write it from scratch. Use the following contact form to describe what you need, include your budget, and we will get back to you.

Legal disclaimer

PatternsHunters is registered in Poland and therefore is subject to Polish law. Therefore, we emphasize that the content presented on this website are private opinions of the authors and do not constitute investment recommendations within the meaning of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of October 19, 2005 on information constituting recommendations regarding financial instruments, their issuers or issuers (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 206, item 1715).

The authors are not responsible for any investment decisions made or for damages incurred as a result of investment decisions based on our TradingView scripts, ideas published on TradingView, or articles published on this site.

The authors of the patternshunters.com website reserve the right to make changes to all or part of the information on this website without prior notice. The authors also do not assume any responsibility for the content and information posted on websites whose links are published on patternshunters.com.
